Integrative Therapy
A simple way of viewing integrative therapies is a means to treatment that explores more than one evidenced-based approach to address different diagnoses or problem area(s) of a client. It’s rarely ever a one size fits all solution in helping a client. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may be suitable and effective for one problem area, but the Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) approach may be required for another identified problem area. Clients may need a different approach for treatment to be deemed effective especially considering a client’s response to the intervention(s) used. Though many clinicians subscribe to, received training in, or simply have a preference for certain evidence-based therapeutic approaches to treatment, they use their experience, knowledge, and skills to determine what might be best to address a specific client problem(s). All things considered, the decision should always be in the best interest of the client and in consideration of the experience of the therapist.